Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Let's Talk: Flying

So, on a recent trip out-of-town, I decided the most efficient way to get where I was headed was to fly. 

I don't fly often, so its quite natural that I would get nervous.

But I tried really hard to sit back and really take in this flight and not let my nerves get the best of me. So here a few things I realized during my flight:

Major Trust
I, as well as the other passengers on that flight, put a lot of trust in first, our pilots, and then into all information and others that assisted the pilots. I guess what really made me realize the amount of trust I was putting in my pilots and this aircraft is when one of our pilots came over the intercom and informed us that we had reached our cruising altitude thousands of feet in the air. Humans and machinery alike are fallible, so in order to step foot on that plane, I had to have trust in the pilots and the plane itself.  

The View 
The view was incredible! Truly, no words can fully explain the beauty and incredible design that the aerial view revealed. In the rise, I could see the detail in the ridges and valleys, the curves and stretches of the bodies of water, the major roadways and backroads. As we continued to rise, we began flying above the clouds. This made me fully aware of how high we really were flying.

A Whole Lot of Prayin’
To go along with the whole trust thing and the fact I get really nervous when I fly, I do a whole lot of praying before, during and after. I pray for the pilots, I pray for those who work on the plane and I pray for those who guide and direct the plane and I pray for safety. I continued to pray for the pilots and safety during the flight. After, I thanked God for traveling mercy and for the safety of flight. 

While flying may not be my favorite mode of transportation, I have to say that the view was my favorite part. The view really showed the handiwork of God. 

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