Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Hi, and Welcome! 

I’m Heather, and this is my new venture Coffee & Conversations. 

For some time, I have had the desire to begin a blog, but a class assignment was the thing that finally launched me to fully seize this opportunity. 

Coffee & Conversations is inspired, first, by my favorite hot beverage, a regular or specialty cup of brew. I have found while relaxing and enjoying my coffee, I most often reflect on the things that are happening in my life and in the world around me. In moments like these, I find inspiration for and give thought to many of the posts that I will be publishing. I have found, as well, that coffee is a common beverage which people gather around to socialize, catch-up and hold conversations. Secondly, Coffee & Conversations is inspired by conversationwith family, with friends, with colleagues on a variety of topics. Conversations, many times, are the source for ideas and opinions on a variety of subjects. Look at what Emily Post and Oscar Wilde, respectively, had to say: 

Ideal conversation must be an exchange of thought, and not, as many of those who worry most about their shortcomings believe, an eloquent exhibition of wit or oratory ~ Emily Post 

Conversation should touch everything, but should concentrate itself on nothing  Oscar Wilde

The following topics are subjects I enjoy researching and conversing about and will be the primary subjects of focus for this blog: Coffee, Faith, History, Journalism, Let’s Talk and the Library. I hope that these topics will stimulate thought and conversation. 

I truly hope that you enjoy your time here on Coffee & Conversations and that you find these subjects just as interesting and intriguing as I do! 

Again, welcome and enjoy! 

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